Contractor Training
Objective 2
Not Started
Not Started
This programme will increase the number of groundwork operatives (contractors & public sector) who are skilled, confident and experienced in undertaking habitat management, with the end goal of climate adaptation or mitigation.
The success of Scotland's response to climate change will depend on how land and habitats are managed - in terms of adapting to impacts and achieving net zero.
However, recent research by NatureScot has found that the workforce needed to implement nature-based solutions is currently insufficient in number, skills, and training. This is also reflected in real-life experience of land managers within the Inner Forth, when they have to procure contractors for work at key habitats, and have challenges finding suitable service providers with experience.
Tackling these 'skills gaps' will be key to realising the opportunities and co-benefits that can come from adapting to climate change. This activity pilots a way to address this gap by offering a free practical skills training programme.
This programme will include a series of short toolbox talks, as well as a number of half-day training sessions delivered over three years.
This webpage will develop over time to promote training available to contractors and share resources with training suppliers.
Get Involved
If you or your staff team would like to take part in this training, keep an eye on this page and on the Get Involved section of our website.